Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Different Types of Families in India

Types of Families in India

Families in India may be viewed from different view-point and the classifications obtained thereby are indeed varied in nature. We are to examine the types of Family from different angles:

From the Point of Structure:
From this viewpoint, we can divide into three basic types.

  • Simple Family
  • Elementary Family
  • Nuclear Family

It is composed of the members a man, his wife and unmarried children. It is most conspicuous in the modern European and Indian Societies as well among the tribal societies like the Lodha, the Santal and the Oraon.

Joint Family
If two or more nuclear families live together under a common shelter and share a common hearth, and a common purse, then this type of family is known as Joint Family. The Hindu joint family is the best example of such type of family in which several uterine brothers live together. In Santal, Munda, Oraon societies such type of family is not uncommon. Joint Family may split up into simple families at any moment as in the case of urban societies.

Extended Family
When the nuclear family is found family is found to be extended on all sides by certain adhesions in the form of relatives of both sides i.e. husband's and wife's sides, then it can be declared as an extended family. In most of the patrilineal societies of India, we do find such type of family in which the parents of the ego, his widowed sister with her children and even the old widowed father's sister may live. These persons are original of some other nuclear families but due to some adverse circumstances; they forced to live in the ego's family. It is interesting to note that these adhesions cannot leave this family so easily. In modern and tribal societies such a type os family is seldom met with.

From the Point of Blood Relation

In view of the blood relationship, the family may be classified into two types:

  • Family Orientation 
It is the family in which one is born. His identity in this family is a son, the father's family of the Hindus and the Muslims of India.

  • Family of Procreation 
The family which one helps to set up after one's marriage. His affiliation with this family will be as a father.

From the Point of Marriage

On the basis of marriage, the family can be classified into three types:

  • Monogamous Family
This type grows out of monogamy i.e. single marriage involving two adults of opposite sexes. It is the common type of family found among the advanced and tribal societies of India.

  • Polygynous Family
The family which grows around polygene i.e. multiple marriages on the part of a man. In former days, the Hindu Zamindars and the Muslim Sultans had such type of family. Multiple marriages were then the symbol of prestige and high social status in some specific societies. The 'Kulin' Brahmin and Kayasthas have such familial affiliations.

  • Polyandrous Family
The family which grows out of polyandry i.e. multiple marriages on the part a woman as found among the Todas of Nilgiri hills of South India. The disparity in numerical strength between the male and female had led them to go for such marriage owing to the cruel custom of female infanticide practices earlier. When the husbands are related as brothers, and if they remain in the same family then it can be termed as Fraternal Polyandrous Family. Non-Related husbands with their wife or wives fro the non-fraternal polyandrous family.


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